

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Andy coming home

Andy is getting to come home today. We are so excited to see him. He is leaving at 1:00pm California time and will get home at 10:45pm out time. The girls are so excited about their daddy coming home. Alexus told me she can't wait to snuggle with him so I imagine tomorrow he will be busy laying on the couch with her. Shelby just wants to play with him. Them two are hands full. AND no I am not talking about Alexus. I am talking about Shelby and Andy. He has got her to where all she thinks she is supposed to do is play fight. Well, I will try and post some pictures of him with the girls tomorrow since it will be so late when he gets home.
We love and miss you all, Stephanie and the girls

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Here is a picture of my painting and the other picture we picked up. The paiting rreminds me of the Chimney Rock Winery we went to see the other day, and we thought the picture was funny.


Here is another picture.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Pictures of Cali

Here are some of the pictures that we took of the girls and of the vineyards. I hope you all enjoy them as much as we did. I am having to individually load them since on dial-up.

Xerox - Let's Say Thanks

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