

Monday, August 27, 2007

First day of school

Alexus started school today, and I only took 2 pictures, but I will take more when I can walk better and can walk to her room. She was so excited. She came home playing school with Shelby, and telling us all about her 2 new best friends. It is so hard to believe that we have one old enough to be in school. Next year we will have two in school. Man, how time flies.

Sunday, August 05, 2007


Andy called me today from work and told me he had fallen, but was ok. When he said he was ok I figured something was wrong. When he finally got home he said that he has 3 compressed disk, and has torn some tendons in his hand. He is ok, but is sore. He was lucky that he didn't hit his head when he fell instead of his back.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

First tooth

Wow, I sure wasn't thinking this day would come for a while. Alexus has had a loose tooth since Andy went to California back in Fefruary. Andy finally got Alexus to let him pull it yesterday. She cried for a minute and then was like: Mom, I can stick my tongue through where my tooth was. I couldn't help but laugh. She was so happy when she woke up this morning and the tooth fairy had given her dollar bills. She ran downstairs after she woke Shelby up and told me MOMMY the tooth fairy gave me FOUR dollars!!!

Xerox - Let's Say Thanks

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