Ashleigh had her 18month well visit today, and it went well. Not much else happening today. Wow only one week left of school for Aleuxs's first year. Time sure has gone by fast. Doesn't seem right. Just think next year I will have 2 in school.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I had to take Shelby to the ENT today to have her hearing checked. She has really bad fluid in her left ear that wasn't there a lil over a month ago, and her right ear is extremely red. They want her to take an antibiotic for 10 days, and a nasal spray for 6 weeks. After she has done that we will have to go back and have the hearing test redone and have the doctor recheck her ears. Hopefully when we go back they will be ok and we won't have to get tubes/adnoids surgery. He thinks that she is having problems with her adnoids because she sounds congested and isn't, snores really bad, tosses and turns, really restless at night. I had surgery on my ears when I was younger and so did my dad. So there may be something there that is hereditary (spelling). I wil keep you all posted on what we find out.
Love and miss you all,
The Eudy's
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
New changes
I made a bunch of changes on here. Hope you all like them. I think that it made it look a lot better.
<3 you all
Thursday, May 01, 2008

Xerox - Let's Say Thanks

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