Andy called me back and said he will be here at a lil after 8pm tomorrow. We are all so excited to see him, and for him to be home.


Friday, June 19, 2009
My husband is coming home!!! He just called me a few minutes ago and said they needed them back here so they are trying to get tickets right NOW. We can't wait to see you!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
More of Andy's TDY
Andy is doing really well and he sent us some more picture tonight. All Ashleigh could say is "My Daddy is on the puter!" Alexus and Shelby were amazed with how big the Statue of Liberty is. He was glad they got to get out of the hotel, but he wasn't happy with the poison oak he got from Central Park. I will keep you all updated with how things are going for him. Right now they are thinking they are going to be later getting home than they expected. He may not get home til after the 4th of July. :( I hate this because we MISS him so much and are ready to see him. Well, hope you all are having a great week.
We love and miss you all. This first picture was of him in Grand Central Station......
Of course this is of him with the Statue of Liberty.. So pretty...
Isn't she huge?! The girls were amazed at how small their daddy was compared to it. All Ashleigh could say was "My Daddy is so small!"
This is the castle that is in the middle of Central Park. Looks so pretty doesn't it?
And to end my post..... A picture of Andy well being Andy.... He said it looked like a HUGE toilet so why not get a funny picture....
Monday, June 08, 2009
Andy's Grandad
As many of you know Andy's Grandad passed away on Saturday night. His family night will be Thursday and the funeral will be Friday. He and Andy's Grannie were on the base in Montana as camp ground hosts. They loved to go there, and would stay there 6 months out of the year. He was in the Air Force for a lil over 20years, and was a great man. We will miss him so much. Alexus, Shelby, Ashleigh and Alissa loved their visits with their Grandad. He got Ashleigh to sit beside their dogs even though she has always been scared to death of dogs. Alexus and Shelby have always loved it when they got to come visit us because they would get to roam around their camper at the camp ground on base and Grandad would try to keep up with them. Alissa would just smile at him. She was still too small to go to him the last time she saw him. He got her to let him hold her for a couple minutes and he was thrilled as can be. Everytime I think of him I will remember how excited he was to see his family, and how much he loved everyone.
We love you Grandad and will miss you.

Xerox - Let's Say Thanks

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