
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
No fever!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
1st place
That is right! Alexus got 1st place in the Spelling Bee today. She will be moving on to the District Spelling Bee in mid Jan. Means a lot of studying over the holidays! We are so proud of her she is really doing good in school this year. Her goal was to get 1st place at the school one so I asked her what her goal was for district, and she said 1st! Wish her LUCK!
Monday, December 14, 2009
No Sleep
No sleep is really starting to get to me. I had to take Alissa to the emergency room the other night cause she wouldn't eat, drink or anything and had a high temp. I didn't get home til a lil after 3am. They said she had double ear infections. When I got home Andy told me that Ashleigh had a high temp now too. When Ashleigh is not feeling well she doen't sleep well. She wakes up crying and yelling. I am taking Ashleigh to the doctor today cause we can't get her temp down. She is eating and drinking atleast. Alissa is going in at the same time cause her temp is still too high. They both have been at 101 under their arms so after you add the degree to it they are really at 102. :( I hate when the kids are suck cause you don't know what to do for them. I wish I had a wand I could wave and it all be gone, but as we all know I am not a witch. hehe Please pray that they start feeling better cause we are supposed to leave this weekend for Christmas.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Can't win for loosing:(

Friday, December 04, 2009
Ear Infection


Xerox - Let's Say Thanks

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