Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all! We love and miss everyone. We can't wait to see my mom (Nanna) and dad (Papa) on Wednesday, and Larry (Poppie), Tina (Granny-T), Dusty, and Jordan a lil after Christmas. We hope you all have a wonder Christmas and for those that are traveling we hope you have safe travels to and from where you are going.


Sunday, December 16, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Christmas Lights
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Few more pics.
Happy Halloween
6 years old
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Happy Birthday Shelby
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
First day of school
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Andy called me today from work and told me he had fallen, but was ok. When he said he was ok I figured something was wrong. When he finally got home he said that he has 3 compressed disk, and has torn some tendons in his hand. He is ok, but is sore. He was lucky that he didn't hit his head when he fell instead of his back.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
First tooth
Wow, I sure wasn't thinking this day would come for a while. Alexus has had a loose tooth since Andy went to California back in Fefruary. Andy finally got Alexus to let him pull it yesterday. She cried for a minute and then was like: Mom, I can stick my tongue through where my tooth was. I couldn't help but laugh. She was so happy when she woke up this morning and the tooth fairy had given her dollar bills. She ran downstairs after she woke Shelby up and told me MOMMY the tooth fairy gave me FOUR dollars!!!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
All Moved
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
house process
The first picture is kinda bad but you can see the house atleast. The next one is the upstairs bathroom. Kitchen is next as you can see. That is our back yard. Well, half of it. We will have planty of room for the girls to play. The next is the loft. There is more room on the other side. I didn't take a picture of the room because I couldn't get a picture of how big they were, and I also didn't get a picture of the master bathroom.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Hey I put a myspace together if you all would like to look at it you can click the on our myspace link on right side under links. Took me a couple days to get it the way I wanted it. Tina you will get a kick out of the song on there.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Catching up
Wow Andy comes home and was then informed he had to make up 25 flying hours so he will be going on a short trip on Friday and will be back Sunday, then on Monday and Friday he goes on an out and back which is just flying around here. If he didn't make these hours up he would loose his flying status. This really sucks since he was in training and wasn't excused. He is also trying to make up for the 2 weekend duties he missed while in Cali so he is staying busy. That is a lot to make up in a month, but they were able to get him in the last mission that was going out and on some out and backs. Well, hope you all are doing well and can't wait to see you all again.
Love you all!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Andy coming home
Andy is getting to come home today. We are so excited to see him. He is leaving at 1:00pm California time and will get home at 10:45pm out time. The girls are so excited about their daddy coming home. Alexus told me she can't wait to snuggle with him so I imagine tomorrow he will be busy laying on the couch with her. Shelby just wants to play with him. Them two are hands full. AND no I am not talking about Alexus. I am talking about Shelby and Andy. He has got her to where all she thinks she is supposed to do is play fight. Well, I will try and post some pictures of him with the girls tomorrow since it will be so late when he gets home.
We love and miss you all, Stephanie and the girls
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Pictures of Cali
Monday, January 29, 2007
We are having a great time in Cali. I have to admit I was so nervous coming to California with all three girls since none of us had flown before. I am so proud of the girls. They never once tried to run out in front of me, and asked me if we could go flying again. The day after we got here we took the girls to Red Lobster and the mall. Yeah RED LOBSTER. Alexus and Shelby LOVE that place. We let the girls make a bear from Build-A-Bear. Alexus named hers Lisa, Shelby named hers Audrey, and Andy named Ashleigh's Cali since it was mine and the girls first trip to California. I think Andy has a new hobby, WINE. I never figured him to drink wine but he likes it. I am going to do either our livingroom or our kitchen in grapes. I found this beautiful serving platter and with Andy's wine glasses and the oil painting I am gonna go shopping for it will look good. Well, I will add more later. We still have a week here and are on dial up atm so will add our pictures later also.
We love everyone, and will see you all soon

Xerox - Let's Say Thanks

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