HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all you father's. Hope you all had a great day. I know Andy sure was busy. We put up 4 ceiling fans and some blinds for our sliding glass door. Alexus wanted a pink fan so we painted hers, and Shelby wanted hers purple so hers was painted also. They look so cute. I think we did a great job. I will get some pictures of them and post them later. Well, hope you all have a great day. We love you all.


Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's day
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Summer begins
Today I took the girls outside for a bit. It was so HOT. We didn't stay out there too long. Lexi, Shelby and Ashleigh wanted to play til they got hot then it was time to go in. Alissa said it was too hot the whole time. She doesn't like the heat as you can tell be the face she is making. She sweats so bad. I think they all had a good time though. Here are a few pictures of their art work and them playing.
Girl Scouts Ceremony
Here are a few pictures of their ceremony. This is the end of the year ceremony. The bridge is for the girls that are going on to another troop because of their age. It symbolizes them crossing over to a new beginning. They also sang a sone called, Yes we can. It talks about how women can do anything they put their minds to.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Last Awards Ceremony
Today was Alexus's last awards ceremony for the year. She made the A-Honor roll all year. We are so proud of her. She has worked so hard to make it. She always does her homework the night she gets it even if it isn't due the next day. Andy and I always encourage her to do that so when she gets older she will automatically do it instead of waiting. Here are a few pictures I took of her today.
Love you all
Monday, June 02, 2008
Well it is officially the last week of school for Alexus. We are going to be busy this week. We have her awards ceremony Thursday morning, her class graduation party Friday afternoon, and their girl scout end of the year ceremony Friday night. Alexus and I made gift bags for everyone in her class. The girls are getting bracelets, fruit chews, and Air heads. The boys are getting a car, fruit chews, and Air heads as well. It isn't much but hopefully they will like it. I have been taking snacks to the classroom all year so everytime they see me they say, Alexus's mom do you have a snack for us today hehe. Well, I will post pictures of everything when I get them.
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