My kiddos are with my mom and dad for a week so they can visit family back home. When I called mom to tell her we had made it back to San Antonio she informed me that Alexus and Shelby ran into a bullnettle (spelling). She gave them both a benadryl and a bath. She said that they are all better today. Thank goodness because those things hurt. I could not believe that Ashleigh and Alissa did so well. Alissa didn't cry til it was time for bed, and Ashleigh hasn't cried so far. They are such big girls. Andy and I enjoyed the quietness today. We could actually watch T.V. without it being so high to drown out the girls playing. I am already missing them! but I know thay are in good hands.
On another note, Michelle told us that Hunter is doing really good at band camp this year. He got in the 2nd drum line! His first year she said he was in the 6th, then his second year he was in the 4th and then 2nd this year. He has worked so hard to get to where he is. We are so proud of you Hunter!