Andy with his first fish caught out of the boat. A Stripper and a Catfish.
Our weekend was full of fishing and riding in the boat. Andy would wake up at like 4:30 and would start getting the boat and poles ready. He couldn't wait for me and the girls to wake up at 9:00 to go so we would meet him at the lake. Saturday we went to Braunig, Sunday Andy went to Braunig, and Monday we went to Caleveras. The girls wanted to go Sunday and I was going to take them but as we were getting ready to go Andy walked in the door. The girls really love going fishing, but I think we ruined/spoiled them by taking them to those pay as you go ponds cause Ashleigh and Shelby kept asking us when they were going to get a fish and we had to explain to them that lakes are way bigger than the ponds and that there is a lot more places for the fish to go so we had to find them. The poor girls didn't catch anything. The wind was way too strong on Sat. and on Mon. they weren't biting. Oh well, we got to ride in the boat for a bit and just enjoy it. As we were taking a joy ride Mon. the boat suddenly stalled and wouldn't idle down. We couldn't tell what was wrong, but when we got it loaded on the trailer Andy took a look at it and saw that one of the spark plug wires had come off. All we were thinking about was having to pay someone to work on it and how much money it was going to cost, Thank goodness it was just a spark plug wire! Unfortunately for me I was the only one that got sunburned! Andy has been giving me hell for it, but he will get a sunburn someday and when he does I will give him heck back. Alexus is getting so dark! It is hard to believe how dark she is getting. Shelby and Alissa just got a lil tan. Andy told Ashleigh she was just a lil whitey. She told him nuuh. When I asked her what color she was she told me she was Peach and not white. She is so funny! I hope you all had wonderful time celebrating the birth of our country. I know we sure did have a wonderful weekend. 

Sounds like you had a fun weekend of fishing! Our kids got so spoiled fishing in ponds that they always think fish just jump on their lines, too. We've been trying to teach them that fishing is mostly about patience! LOL!
Glad your boat problem was just a minor one!
I think those ponds ruin kids from actual fishing. The only one that had any patience was Alexus and she would have set there all day if we had let her. I am glad to cause when we first got it that was all Andy was doing. Work, work, work.
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