This year we went to Paris for Christmas. I took the kids out early on Friday and we headed in a day early since my mom called me and said she was having to have surgery. She fell a little before Thanksgiving and fractured her femur and didn't realize it was that bad and so she didn't go to the doctor. She didn't stop hurting in a few weeks and so she finally went to the doctor and they told her the bad news. They were going to have to put three pins in her femur. She was so worried about being home for Christmas, and to be honest I didn't think she would be out in time either since they have to take her off her cumadin and put her on a lower blood thinner a few days before surgery and then take her off it and put her back on the cumadin afterwards. Normally she is in a week before and a week after, but she managed to get out on Friday about lunch time. While we were there Andy built my mom some shelves for her wash area. She still doesn't have anough room.
This year we all got together at my Sister-in-laws on Christmas for lunch. I am glad we were able to do that . I can't even remember the last time we were all together. I wish we could do it more often. I miss seeing my family, but luckily it won't be much longer and we will be able to see each other ALL the time. I forgot my camera in the truck so I am going to have to steal the pictures she took when she gets to put them on facebook. We were getting ready to go to Michelle's and Andy was going to warm the truck up for the girls and the battery was D-E-A-D. Our kiddos had left their new DVD players on and it drained the battery.

That night we went to my Granny's and Pawpaw's like we used to. It was so nice to be able to see our family. Our kids sure do love playing with all the other kids. My Granny's tree was just as beautiful as it always was thanks to Amy, Ashlyn, and Blake.
We spent New years eve with Andy's Granny and needless to say we didn't ring in the new year. We were all so tired that we went ahead and went to sleep.
While we were at the hospital Mr. and Mrs. Clause visited the kids. I also took some pictures at my momand dads of the grandbabies. I think they turned out nice.
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