
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Yummy eats
This is the icecream pie I made this year. It was YUMMY! Andy's coconut cream pie!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you all have a great one. Andy and I started on our cooking tonight. He made a coconut cream pie, and I made an ice cream pie. Looks so yummy. We wanted to try some different desserts this year. I am going to start my turkey tonight before I go to bed. Maybe I will remember to take some pictures of our spread tomorrow. hehe
Love you all!!!
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009
Update on Kids and Andy
I walked in the door today after I got off work, and Alexus ran up to me holding her Spelling Bee papers. She is wanting to be prepared. Lol She is so excited about it. She did really good last year so I told her she could compete again this year. Last year she was nervous, but I think she will be more prepared and won't worry so much. I think that is what got to her last year. She isn't used to being in large crowds. We did letter A and B today and she has problems with 3 A words, and about 15 B words. That isn't bad considering there is about 20 or so A words, and about 80 B words.
Shelby can't stop talking about the district science fair and how she gets to go to a different school again for a day. Hopefully her daddy can go to the awards ceremony for me cause I have to work that day, and I want someone to be there for her. I know she will do good when they ask her the questions cause omg that girl loves to talk. I don't know how they keep her quiet at school cause lord knows she is SO loud at home.
Andy is feeling a lot better, but his head still hurts. He is going back to work in the morning for his weekend duty. He is still on light duty for a few more days and hopefully he doesn't get to doing too much at work and start feeling light headed. He has done better than I thought he would. He did take a few days off work so he could lay around and rest. They didn't want him going up and down stairs for a week so he wouldn't loose his footing and fall and get hurt again. You all know how hard headed he can be. So for him to follow those directions is good for him!
Hope you all had a great Friday the 13th! Enjoy the weekend and we love and miss you all.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Science Fair results
They got their results today. Alexus got 4th place and Shelby got 2nd place. Shelby will be going on to district next week. Wish her luck! They are taking the 1st and 2nd place winners from each grade.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Andy made it home a lil early yesterday, but he had to go to the hospital. Before they left yesterday a man fell from the plane, and Andy ran and jumped in the doorway and blocked him so he would only fall about 15feet instead of 30feet. While Andy was stopping him he got hit in the head by the guys steel toe boot. He has a nice lil knot on the side of his head, and a bad headache but he will be ok. They did some test on him and told him he has a concussion. I am just glad everyone is ok and made it back home to their families. Hope you all gave a great weekend, and enjoy your families. :)
Monday, November 09, 2009
Andy will be home tomorrow night. He was supposed to be home tonight, but they were delayed a day :( I sure am ready to see him! The girls have their science fair tomorrow so I think I will go see it. They have to do a presentation and all that too. I hope they do a good job. They worked so hard on them. Alexus even typed her own stuff out this year. Her teacher let her use the computer at school since she always finishes her work before the others. I had to type out Shelby's cause I had to go to the public library. Alexus did a compressed air experament. She did a 2liter bottle with a balloon over the top, and then a 2liter bottle with a hole in the bottom and another balloon in that one. One will blow up and one won't.
Shelby did a balloon powered car made from a buttermilk carton, straws (axles), and buttons for wheels.
I will let you all know how they do tomorrow!
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Busy weekend
This weekend has been so busy. Yesterday I made the girls their Veterans Day pictures for their display at school. They both have a picture of their Daddy and their Grandad on it. They are so proud that they have a picture of him on there. We also had to go to the public library to type up Shelby's science fair project papers, and to print them out since I couldn't find my power supply for my printer. :( Alexus typed hers out at school and her teacher printed them out for her. I took some pictures of their projects yesterday, but had to get them developed today at Wal-Mart. I let Andy take our digital camara so I had to get a disposable camara. We have them all put together and ready to take to school on Monday. Their science fair is Tuesday. Hopefully they will do well. They picked out their project about a month ago. We had some other ones picked out but they changed their minds. The rest of this weekend I have got to pick up the house, and get ready for Andy to be home Monday. I know our kids are looking forward to him getting home. Shelby started crying the other day at school, and the teacher and her assistant had to calm her down. She is better but she did get upset today while we were out.
Well, hope you all have a great weekend, and we will let you all know when Andy makes it in.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Shelby made All A Honor roll. Yay, but I did find out that she has been turning in half completed work. :( Her teacher makes her take it back and finish it. I sure hope she straightens her act up. I do not see how she made all a's. must be cause her teacher makes her do it over.

Xerox - Let's Say Thanks

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